Make it large! How large is your large?

We are passionate people. Oh yeah! We are driven by passion to achieve something and give purpose to our life. We want to make our life large. This blog should give you a perspective no how large is your large. Even better it can inspire you to choose a larger life goal for yourself. Once you are clear what you want to achieve, all that remains is to figure out how to achieve that :) Before we start, think about what is your life goal - something that you feel will give purpose to your life. Take a minute here.... .. Now that you know, ask a question 'so what'. For e.g. if your life goal is to become a billionaire, do ask "After I become a millionaire, so what?". This will prepare you for the remaining blog. Please do not start with "this is what I can do best, so I will do this", as this will give you a biased life goal. Instead first see where you want to reach and then will figure out how best can you do it. To get a perspective on how large is you...