
Showing posts from May, 2011

If you are not doing what you are doing, then where would you be?

7am already! Have to rush for my swimming session and I have a busy day ahead. Reach office on time, have meetings to do and have to attend house warming of my friend tonight. And more work to do (#@$@#$ @#$@# $@#$) Who cares if I catch a fish? We are all tightly packed in our daily schedule and always have something to be taken care off. Yesterday my wife asked me a simple question: "If you are not doing your job and I am also not bound by anything, where would we be living?" Let’s say you had a blank day staring at you. You didn’t have to work. You could do anything at all (although money is still a limiting factor). What would your perfect day be like? I've got it down to four words: "Do what you love." But it's not enough just to tell people that. Doing what you love is complicated. Don't just pass on the days to secure your present or future. At times live the moment and enjoy your life at its peak. Design your life so that you do not ...

My marriage on 9 2 11 - A Typical Indian Marriage

2am on 13th Feb, 11 : Half awake standing in a long queue of Delhi international airport to check in for my flight to Mauritius. Flight was supposed to depart at 4 am and my night was all ruined due to travel to airport and then taking care of the rest of the check-in formalities. An announcement comes by and I got to know that my Air Mauritius flight from New Delhi to Mauritius was delayed by 12 hours. Whoa.. what's next! Passengers who were standing in the queue started making fuss but no point. We were shifted to a hotel nearby and were asked to spend the night there. Frustrated we went there, spent the night and woke up next morning to know that flight was delayed by 24 hours. Air Mauritius was courteous enough to extend my return flight by 1 day so that my honeymoon still remained of 7 days. Yeah! I got married 2 days back on 9th of Feb, 11 . My friends call the date as 9 2 11 (in hindi, that is a proverb which indicates you run away after completing the task). My engagem...